Igor Simić
Igor Simić is a Serbian-American artist who completed his studies at Columbia University in New York. He is the co-founder and creative director of Demagog Studio in Belgrade, which produces video games with an eco-critical focus. In 2022 his visual art was featured as part of Manifesta 14, while his video game The Cub was an official selection as part of the gaming section at Tribeca Film Festival. His award-winning short films and videos have shown at Alternative Film Video in Belgrade, Edinburgh International Film Festival, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and many other places. Simić is represented by Galerie Anita Beckers in Frankfurt.
Works by Igor Simić
Late Night Weltschmerz
2023, digital video
3 minutes
Late Night TV with Mina as your melancholic host.
Don’t Be Fake
2023, digital video
4 minutes
An episode of sing-along Post Fake News.
Melancholic Drone
2015, digital video
7 minutes
During his last morning in Belgrade, a military drone reflects on his wasted existence as a drone out of combat, while flying on autopilot to a couple having sex, a route his previous operator would take to spy on them.
2014, digital video
10 minutes
Two lovers, cost-benefit analysis and Rodin’s “The Kiss.” An exploration of Zygmunt Bauman’s idea of Liquid Love
The Thinker in the Supermarket
2013, digital video
7 minutes
Rodin’s “Thinker” vs. a supermarket shelf.