Kinopravda Institute is a factory of ideas exploring the various horizons of cinematic arts in the 21st century. Through a multidisciplinary program that operates along the axis of research-curation the Institute develops and presents creative work for audiences both offline and online. Kinopravda Institute is an independent initiative of the Vlada Petrić Foundation, based in Belgrade, Serbia and operating internationally.

Kinopravda Institute derives its name from the film series by legendary Soviet filmmaker and theorist Dziga Vertov. KINOPRAVDA is a double-homage, also to Vlada Petrić who was Henry Luce Chair of Cinema at Harvard University, and whose namesake foundation provides support for the Institute. Petrić’s book Constructivism in Film is the defining English-language monograph on Vertov’s life and work.


Vlada Petrić


The life and work of Vlada Petrić, Henry Luce Chair of Cinema at Harvard University and co-founder of the Harvard Film Archive.



Books, essays and articles written by Vlada Petrić.



Films, videos and television programs directed by Vlada Petrić.



Kinopravda Institute partners with Faculty of Media and Communications in Belgrade

10 April 2024

We are excited to announce that Kinopravda Institute and the Faculty of Media and Communications (Fakultet za medije i komunikacije) in Belgrade have entered into a partnership. The partnership is part of an initiative to establish broad cooperation between the two institutions in the fields of research and education in film history and film culture.

Kinopravda Institute will open an office at FMK as well as a dedicated exhibition space. The Institute’s paper archive, which includes books and documents from the collection of Vlada Petric, will be housed at the FMK library. Faculty of Media and Communications is an educational institution dedicated to fostering new thought in the social sciences and humanities. FMK offers degree programs at the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels.