Kinopravda Institute derives its name from the film series by legendary Soviet filmmaker and theorist Dziga Vertov. KINOPRAVDA is a double-homage, also to Vlada Petrić who was Henry Luce Chair of Cinema at Harvard University, and whose namesake foundation provides support for the Institute. Petrić’s book Constructivism in Film is the defining English-language monograph on Vertov’s life and work.
In addition to its work furthering the mission of the Vlada Petric Foundation, Kinopravda Institute organises screen programs and gallery exhibitions, publishes books, and operates a distribution program for film and video.
Through its unique partnership with the Yugoslav Film Archive in Belgrade, Kinopravda Institute has privileged access to one of the largest and most unique collections of moving image materials in the world, which includes rare books and cinematographic objects.
Yugoslav Film Archive has a dedicated space for maintaining the Vlada Petrić Collection. Kinopravda Institute also works in partnership with Harvard Film Archive in caring for and propagating the Vlada Petrić Collection housed on their premises. The Institute serves as a bridge between these two world class film archives in North America and Europe.
The distinguishing feature of Kinopravda Institute is a concern for avant-garde conceptions of the moving image. Digital and online practices are important fields in which Kinopravda Institute plans to contribute to defining and building awareness of the true cinema to come. Consider the Institute as a factory of ideas for continually examining the status of film and video, its pasts and futures, in relation to the twenty-first century.
Dziga Vertov once wrote the following:
“What’s good is not what’s really good, but that which is profitable to consider as such.”
Through its path breaking nonprofit work Institute Kinopravda seeks to unveil the real value of moving image art and its engagement with and effect upon the human condition – toward a new definition of KINOPRAVDA.