Introduction to the film

Introduction to the film

The introduction to the film is conceived as a collection of articles in which the students of the Academy for theater, film, radio and television, and all those who want to get acquainted with the basics craft-technical characteristics, aesthetic principles, the most important achievements and directions of film art, find the most important data, instructions and explanations.

– Writer

Eighth Force – Television

Eighth Force – Television

After this reading, television can no longer be watched with the same associations as before then, and this confirms that the book The Eighth Force not only manages to enrich the reader with new and concrete knowledge, but also abundantly stimulates his imagination.

– Jovan Ćirilov

Magic Screen

Magic Screen

Is this book proof that Petrić has a conflict between his knowledge and his wish? Is it behind the objective presentation of facts in a clear, very simple way (what it seems that his book is read with interest) does not pulsate the ardent commitment to habitation film as true art?

– Josip Kulundžić