An Introduction to Film

An Introduction to Film

“An Introduction to Film” was conceived as a collection of articles in which students of the Academy for Theater, Film, radio and Television in Belgrade, as well as all those who want to gain a better understanding of the basic characteristics of the cinematic craft and its techniques, aesthetic principles, and its most important achievements and movements, find the most important data, instructions and explanations.

– Writer

D. W. Griffith: A Corner in Wheat

D. W. Griffith: A Corner in Wheat

The publication of this material provides a film study resource for students and teachers
which is unavailable elsewhere. Vlada Petrić’s reading of “A Corner in Wheat” is a work which is comprehensive and rigorous in its hermeneutic approach. This essay represents a critical analysis of the cinematic structure of this film and the cinematic techniques utilized by D. W. Griffith, with Petrić also providing a detailed shot-by-shot and textual analysis of Griffith’s composition within the framework of the filmic action and the course of its development, as well as laying out the structural intricacies of his editing.

Eighth Force – Television

Eighth Force – Television

After this reading, television can no longer be watched with the same associations as before then, and this confirms that the book The Eighth Force not only manages to enrich the reader with new and concrete knowledge, but also abundantly stimulates his imagination.

– Jovan Ćirilov